Grand Oaks’ Response to COVID-19
The Grand Oaks team has been closely monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic and is continuing to assess and update our internal procedures accordingly. The health and safety of Grand Oaks residents and staff is our topmost priority. As such, in accordance with the CDC, we continue to evaluate our day-to-day operations and provide updates on any changes on a regular basis.
Most staff and residents are now fully vaccinated. Contact us today with any additional questions regarding COVID-19 safety at Grand Oaks.
COVID-19 Prevention
Wash your hands frequently.
Lather up with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after being in a public area or touching public surfaces. It’s especially important to wash your hands before eating or handling food, after using the bathroom, after caring for a sick person, after interacting with a pet, and after coughing, sneezing, or blowing your nose. No access to a sink? Use hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol.
Wear a mask over your nose and mouth.
Always wear a cloth face covering in public settings and when around people not from your household. Face masks are meant to protect others in case you’re infected; you can spread COVID-19 to others even if you don’t feel sick.
Avoid close contact.
Avoiding close contact with others can protect you from getting the virus, and it can protect others from catching the virus from you. Keep at least six feet apart from anyone not in your household. Keeping distance from others is especially crucial for those at higher risk of serious illness, such as older adults and those with compromised immune systems.
Cover coughs and sneezes.
Always cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze, or use the inside of your elbow. Throw used tissues into the trash, and immediately wash your hands for at least 20 seconds.
Clean and disinfect.
Frequently-touched surfaces like doorknobs, tables, light switches, phones, keyboards, sinks, and toilets should be disinfected every day. Clean dirty surfaces with detergent or soap and water, then use a household disinfectant.
We hope this information regarding Grand Oaks’ COVID-19 response has been helpful for you. If you still haven’t found the information you’re looking for, please do not hesitate to contact us with any additional questions or concerns.
Visitor Information
Grand Oaks is now offering indoor apartment visitation. Scheduling visitation appointments online is encouraged, but not required. Should visitation be paused, notification will be provided by the Management Team and visits will be canceled through our online booking software.
All visitors must:
- Wear a face covering
- Follow procedures for COVID screening upon arrival
- Sign in and out via our Accushield kiosks
- Complete our Guest Book with the appropriate information for contact tracing
- Sanitize their hands before leaving the concierge area
- Go directly to their loved one’s suite
The Grand Oaks team will no longer be required to escort visitors through the community.
Visitors are required to contact Grand Oaks in the event that they test positive for COVID-19.
Keeping Residents and Visitors Safe
We’re taking extra precautions to make sure our residents, staff, and visitors remain safe and healthy:
- Frequent cleaning
- Adherence to social distancing requirements
- Use of required PPE (masks) for residents and their prospective visitors
Frequently Asked Questions
How can I visit my loved one at Grand Oaks during the pandemic?
Book an appointment online to safely visit a Grand Oaks resident at the Oasis neighborhood or in assisted living. Review our visitor information section for more details on our safe visiting procedures.
Can residents still get to their medical appointments?
Grand Oaks continues to provide escort or transportation for medically essential appointments.
How is Grand Oaks keeping residents safe and healthy during the pandemic?
We are dedicated to keeping our residents safe by implementing visitor precautions, frequently sanitizing and disinfecting, and following a phased reopening plan as recommended by DC Health. You can read more of our daily COVID-19 updates here.
Are residents still able to participate in activities?
As per DC Health guidance, Grand Oaks is not scheduling communal activities at this time. We are providing a variety of 1:1 programs for our residents.
How will Grand Oaks help maintain social distancing as amenities and services reopen?
The health and safety of our staff, residents, and their families is our top priority. Even as we gradually lift restrictions and enter later phases of reopening, we will still be taking additional precautions.
What is expected of residents during this stage of reopening?
Grand Oaks residents should continue to follow all current COVID-19 precautions. This includes frequent hand washing, wearing a cloth mask over the nose and mouth when outside their apartment, maintaining at least a six-foot distance from others, and notifying staff immediately if they feel sick.
I want to leave perishable items for my loved one. What time are packages typically taken inside?
Packages are disinfected and brought inside at noon, seven days a week. Additionally, packages are disinfected weekdays at 4 p.m. and weekends at 3 p.m. If you are delivering perishable items, you should contact the concierge in advance so that we can ensure appropriate, timely disinfection.
When will the COVID-19 vaccine be available for residents and staff?
Most residents and staff are now fully vaccinated.